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søndag den 21. maj 2017

Final review

My English course in upper secondary school is technically not done yet. I’m continuing the course next year, but for many of my fellow classmates the year is finished. Therefore, we have been assigned to reflect upon the past two years of English lessons – quite a long list.
There have been many fun times during English, I think. I have always loved English; both the language and the culture.
My sister is currently studying in Lancaster and whenever I have visited her, I have experienced how different English teenagers are from Danish. They are so much nicer and much more understanding. They listen and they try to make a difference in other’s lives. And most importantly, they stand up for each other. Danes could learn something from watching the Englishmen. That was a complete side leap.
Getting back on track…
During the English course, we have worked with so many subjects – my favourites being Growing up, Black America, Violence and Going Mental. These subjects were all based on ethics and moral, which are aspects that I am completely in love with. The subjects are also related to a story, meaning that you must interpret and analyse a person’s life to understand said person’s future. I especially loved when we watched One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest during the Going Mental-course, because it gave such a bright insight into a mentally unstable person’s mind. And during the movie, you sort of start wondering if they really are mental and in that case if everyone is mental. I also loved getting to understand why people are the way they are – even if I only got a little insight.
During my English course, I have learned a little bit about the English culture, but given the fact that I (not to sound too snobbish) have been to England and the US quite a few times, I feel like I have not really learned anything new about the culture or grammar as much as I maybe have extended my knowledge on the subject.

I plan on studying and living in England once I am completely done with upper secondary school – so in about a year; wow that is weird to think about. But I guess that is how I am going to use my English skills in the future. You know, you sort of need to speak English in order to live in England; I am really looking forward to it.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hey Mattie,

    Wow, your future plans sound so exciting! I hope you'll accomplish your dream of living in the U.K. Also, I really appreciate your honesty about your learning outcome of our classes together. To be honest with you, it has been rather challenging to organise and carry out a curriculum that suits you and all of your classmates. Your academic backgrounds are so different, and I prioritised engaging most of you in our lessons, albeit your differences. This, of course, also meant that some of my more gifted students weren't really challenged as much as I had hoped for. Therefore, I think it's great that you decided to upgrade English, so that you'll be fully prepared for your time abroad.

    All best, Helle.
